ADAS+: Sviluppo di tecnologie e sistemi avanzati per la sicurezza dell'auto mediante piattaforme ADAS
Funding agency: ECSEL JU H2020 program, Italian MIUR PON program.
Project members/Partners: STMicroelectronics, Universitą degli Studi di Catania, Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi scarl, INNOVAAL scarl, INSTM - Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, MTA spa, Universitą degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara, CONSORZIO NAZIONALE INTERUNIVERSITARIO PER LA NANOELETTRONICA IUNET (IUNET units University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Bologna),
Researchers @ UniMORE: Paolo Pavan, Luca Selmi
Start date: 01/6/2018
End date: 31/5/2021
The ADAS + project aims to develop an innovative demonstrator of safe driving assistance (ADAS +) able to monitor in real time the psycho-physical state of the driver, his level of sobriety and the quality of the air in the passenger compartment. This goal will be achieved through the use of advanced silicon-based technologies, image processing algorithms and nano-structured materials, integrated into a common platform that meet the safe driving standards required for new generation of "smart" cars. This goal will be pursued through the development and integration of three major prototype technological modules:
- Fisio Module made of silicon miniaturized optical probes based on SiPM (silicon photomultiplayer) technology, integrated into the steering, able to monitor the driver's drowsiness through the real time control of the heart rate and its variability.
- Vision module consists of (a) Visible light cameras and (b) IR light cameras aimed to detect signs of fatigue or irritability; (c) Silicon Radar / Lidar Systems aimed to recognize obstacles outside the passenger compartment.
- Chemical Sensor Module constituted by: (a) Multichip with electrical transduction to control the driver's sobriety level integrated in the steering wheel; (b) Environmental microchip sensors for air quality control of the passenger compartment that include the using of silicon-based nanostructured materials such as Silicon Nanowire and MOx (Metal Oxides).
The technologies that will be developed in the present research project will anticipate the autonomous guidance that is not yet mature, ensuring that vehicles will be safer in the future. This will have a significant impact from the point of view of creation of innovation processes in the public-private partnership and from the strictly industrial point of view as well. Indeed, thanks to the introduction into the automotive market of innovative ADAS solutions resulting from the research activities, the industrial partners (STMicroelectronics and MTA) will be able to gain market positions and the role of leadership in the medium and long term and the PMI (Innovaal e Distretto Micro Nano Sistemi) strengthen their technical skills, both guaranteeing and increasing the current occupational levels.
Project web site: under construction