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Foto di Paolo Pavan


Professor of Electronics

Universitą di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari"
Via Vignolese 905
41125 Modena - Italy
tel: +39 059 2056158
fax: +39 059 2056329



Paolo Pavan was born in Italy in 1964. He graduated in Electrical Engineering at the University of Padova, Italy, in 1990 working on latch-up and hot-electron degradation phenomena in MOS devices. In 1991 he started his PhD program studying impact ionization phenomena in advanced bipolar transistor and received his PhD in 1994 from the same University. From 1992 to 1994 he was at the University of California at Berkeley where he studied radiation effects on MOS devices and circuits. In 1998 he worked with Saifun Semiconductors, in Israel, on the development of NROM, a new nonvolatile memory device.

His research interests are in the characterization and modeling of Flash memory cells and on the development of new nonvolatile cells and, more recently, in the development of safety critical and wireless applications for automotive electronics. His activity is strongly connected to companies and start-ups in the hi-tech business. He partecipates to many research projects, national and european.

He authored and co-authored many technical and invited papers, one book and two chapters in edited books; he gave seminars and short courses atinternational  conferences and schools.

He is currently Professor of Electronics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, where he acted as deputy dean for his College and Department and he has been member of the Academic Senate. He is currently Dean of the Electronics Engineering Program.

Research Interests

His research interests are in the characterization and modeling of Flash memory cells and on the development of new nonvolatile cells and, more recently, in the development of safety critical and wireless applications for automotive electronics. His activity is strongly connected to companies and start-ups in the hi-tech business..

Publications >>>> updated list of publications

He has co-authored >70 papers published in refereed international journals, 1 book, 2 book chapters in edited books.


During his research activity, he has collaborated with a number of scientific and industrial institutions (in addition to several Universities in Italy), including (in alphabetical order): AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill (USA); CEA-Leti, Grenoble (France); CNET-France Telecom, Grenoble (France); IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown (USA), IBM Zurich (CH); IMEC (B); Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia (INFM); Saifun Semiconductors (Israel); Sematech (USA); University of California, Berkeley (USA).

Conference Program Committees

He has served as a TPC (Technical Program Committee) member for the following International Conferences: IEDM Technical Committee “CMOS and Interconnect Reliability,” 2002-2003, Chair in 2004, and European Arrangement Chair in 2005-06; ESREF2002 Chairman of the Technical Committee “Nonvolatile and Programmable Device Reliability”; ESREF2012 Technical Committee; Guest Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Device and Material Reliability Special Issue on Nonvolatile Memories in Sept. 2004; VLSI-TSA Technical Committee 2006-2010; from 2012 he is in ESSDERC Technical Commitee. He is Technical Program Chair of ESSDERC 2014. In 2014 he is member of the Techincal Committee of IRPS.